We aimed to create an output that is as transferable as possible ensuring its adaptability mainly of the proposed guidelines for the creation of safe spaces in a way that evolves around the needs of the learners no matter the specific conditions of the learning subject, the institution or the target group.
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Safe spAces For lEarning Guide. The set of Results

In this page we have included all the results produced during the implementation of our guide, including our field research, our visual library and the guidelines on creating and maintaining a safe space.
Our Results
Safe Spaces for Learning Guide
Intellectual Output 1: How to create and maintain a safe space for adult learning
Safe Spaces in everyday life
IO1.A1: Coping with struggle and oppression in everyday life.
The Visual Library of Safe Spaces
IO1. A2: Good Practices on Safe Spaces for Learning: A visual library of existing safe spaces for adult education.