Creating and Maintaining Safe Spaces in Adult Education

A safe space is a space which, either technically or emotionally, is meant to provide equal opportunities, representation and communication outlets for marginalised groups or persons in an environment of respect and understanding that eliminate oppressive behaviours, recognises struggle and cultivates dialogue.

SAFE SPACE= listening, sharing and evolving!

Our Context Paper on Everyday Safe Spaces is Out! | Join us as we roam through existing Safe Spaces for learning.

Historically safe spaces have been places for marginalised individuals and groups to come together and communicate regarding their experience with marginalisation, learn, and engage in social and political matters against repression.

Let's make every space a SAFE space!

Safe Spaces for Learning Guide

We have created a visual library, that is available
both online and as a publication, and highlights the main elements of what consists of a successful paradigm of a safe learning space. The good practices cover both safe physical spaces as well as safe online spaces.  

Click Here to Visit our Visual Library

A comprehensive study on coping with struggle and oppression in everyday life as a way to actuallise the realities of the learners that come from marginalised groups outside of their role and as part of their realities. The study focuses on what learners define as unsafe and how they tend to overcome struggle and oppression or discriminatory behaviors. The study was based on discussions and interviews with people that have been discriminated against their gender identities, race, cultural background and economic or academic performance.

Click Here for our Publication

The main outcome of the IO1 consists of a concise and easy to use set of guidelines, that are based on the two aforementioned products, including specific challenges and available solutions in order to strengthen the abilities of the adult educators in terms of readiness, empathy and reflection.

Click Here for the Learning Guide

Let’s change the way adult education and society perceives dealing with learning challenges that emerge from unsafeties and inequality in a way that will take into account everyone equally and collaboratively

The S.A.F.E. Boardgame: Recognise Bias and Create a Safe Space

the SAFE Boardgame is created co-collaboratively between all the partner organisations, countries and contexts!

we designed it, we created it and now we Play it! 

In SAFE we will strive to highlight this triangular relationship between safety and space extending from the actual space, to the online space and the mentality in one’s own sense of creating and seeking safeties, while discussing policies on race, gender and civic identity in Europe.

The S.A.F.E. Policy Paper: Sustaining Safe Space Mentalities

Dialogue and Reflection in creating Online Safe Spaces for Learning (Greece)

June 28th 2023

Sahtouri 64, Patras Greece


The role of European actions in Creating Impactful Safe Spaces (Belgium- European Level)

May 23rd 2023

Rue de l'Industrie 10, Brussels, Belgium

Working with diverse groups of learners and the Necessity of creating Safe Spaces (Austria)

June 27th 2023

VHS Favoriten, Vienna Austria

Raising Awareness for Transcending Safe Learning Spaces into the Workplace (Portugal)

June 15th 2023

Praça das Comunidades Geminadas, Apartado 4, Vila Verde Portugal

The Partners

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